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Success Story


Global Climate Change conference

Led a panel at the key summit on climate change attended by world leaders on how artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technology can help fight climate change
Kate O'Neill squats in front of a #COP25 sign

The United Nations COP (Conference of the Parties) is the leading international and inter-governmental body addressing climate change. In 2019 the 25th COP was held in Madrid.

Our engagement

Kate O’Neill was approached by a UN-affiliated company to lead a panel comprised of tech leaders from around the world delving into the opportunities to use AI and other emerging technologies to fight climate change.


We conducted extensive research to ensure that we used our time on stage effectively and hosted prep discussions with the panel participants. Our panel consisted of tech leaders from around the world, from large companies like Microsoft to small agricultural startups, to consultancies, and more. We delved into the opportunities to use AI and other emerging technologies to fight climate change.


Our panel was well attended, and we explored a wide range of topics offering pragmatic and potentially world-changing insights to the audience of delegates from around the globe.

Key Concepts

artificial intelligence, climate change, governance, human experience, human scale, keynote speaking, panel facilitation, strategy

Kate leading a United Nations panel

It’s time to create a human-centric strategy for a change-filled future.

Insights on
Kate O'Neill at Mind the Product London

Business & Strategy

Kate O'Neill at DevLearn

Future & Trends

Kate O'Neill and her book Tech Humanist

Human Experience

Kate O'Neill at Google

Digital Transformation