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Future of Work Keynote Speaker

A Future So Bright

Strategic Optimism for an Uncertain Future
Trusted by

Corporate / Civic & Cultural Leaders / Executive Leadership / Organizations & Associations


Cities / Education / Organizations

Kate O'Neill at UX Australia
Kate O'Neill at DevLearn

The world seems more complex and uncertain every day — and the problems of the future are getting more urgent.

We’re already living through a global pandemic of unprecedented scale, and the next few years are critical to make the best decisions about climate, geopolitics, labor economies, and more to set in place the best possible future for the most people, or at a minimum, the least damaging future for the most people.

So how should we think about navigating the future?

How do we make strategic decisions in a time of constant change?

Solving human problems at scale

While emerging technology is often cited as a problem we face, it also offers tremendous opportunities to facilitate solving human problems at scale more efficiently than ever, while offering better human connectedness. But rather than lead with technology as a solution, it starts with understanding what humanity is, what makes it special, and then using technology to amplify those characteristics.

Kate O'Neill at Mind the Product London

“She shared many insights into how technologies can be used at scale to create meaningful human experiences — ones that can solve world problems.”

Audience Member

Kate O'Neill

Kate O’Neill, The Tech Humanist

Kate O’Neill, author of “Tech Humanist,” presents an approach to global transformation of technology and beyond that keeps humans at the center: an emphasis on meaningful human experiences, guided by strategic purpose.

Intended to help both individuals and leaders of all kinds see the landscape of the future in an empowering new way, this session presents the opportunity to solve strategic problems arising from integrating data and emerging technology into business models and operations with a central emphasis on sustainability, ethically-aligned business, and human rights.

The next steps are about creating hard-hitting, actionable strategies that can help you achieve your business goals—and usher in a new era for your company and the people who will thrive because of it.

It’s the surest way to the brightest future.

Kate O'Neill at UX Australia

“Kate is absolutely one of the best keynote speakers I've ever worked with. And her message is positive and relevant in today's data and tech-driven world.”

Event Organizer


The Future of Work

This thought-provoking and ultimately inspiring talk from Kate O’Neill, author of Tech Humanist, offers clarity, encouragement, and a thoughtful approach for business leaders to adapt to the big changes ahead while grounding the discussion in the timeless fundamentals of humanity.

Kate O'Neill at DevLearn

“Kate O’Neill brings a terrific blend of wisdom, humor, and humility”

Event Organizer

The Book
A Future So Bright book cover

A Future So Bright

How Strategic Optimism Can Restore Our Humanity and Save the World
Other Keynote Topics

Better Tech Decisions in a Fast-Paced World

including how to understand technology acceleration, make ethical decisions, align business, and more. 
Kate O'Neill at Yale

How Data and Technology Shape the Future of Meaningful Human Experiences

including human-centric digital transformation, humanity at scale, and more.
Kate O'Neill Speaking

Human Experience in the Metaverse, and What it Means for Digital Strategy and Placemaking

including integrated human experience design, metaverse strategy, and more.
Insights on
Kate O'Neill at DevLearn

Future & Trends

Kate O'Neill at Mind the Product London

Events & Speaking

Kate O'Neill and her book Tech Humanist

Human Experience

Kate O'Neill at Cisco

Written Insights

It’s time to create a human-centric strategy for a change-filled future.